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3 Reasons to Call a Roof Professional After A Heavy Storm

    Why Cobert Clay Roof Tiles are Perfect for the Rainy Season

    Storms Wreak Havoc, But BITC Got You Covered: 3 Reasons To Call A Roofing Tiles System Specialist

    We’ll cut straight to the chase: If you think that a heavy storm damaged your roof, then you should immediately get it checked out by your local roofer or a roofing tiles system specialist. In roofing— taking risks is detrimental not only to the structure of your house, but also those who live in its shelter.

    And if your roof is old or structurally compromised, then you might already expect that your roof will get the brunt of the storm. To delay getting it assessed by a professional would cost you not only your peace of mind but your safety as well.

    Here are three reasons why you should call a roofing tiles system specialist after a big storm:

    1. It’s Officially Tag-Ulan or Rainy Season

    It’s expected to be rainy from here on out in the Philippines, even if the weather is kind of unpredictable. But we are prone to typhoons in this area, so calling a roofing professional to examine the state of your property and do some roof repairs can prepare you for the coming storms.

    2. Early Fixes Save You a Lot of Money

    If you detect damage from a heavy storm straight away, then it could possibly be a quicker and easier repair than if you left it alone for months… only to manifest in a bigger issue. Delaying your appointment may worsen the damage to your roof, so it’s best to call in an inspection as early as possible

    3. Better Safe than Sorry

    A lot can happen within a few hours of a typhoon. Strong winds can blow your shingles right off, a tree could hang precariously over the edge and into your roof… those kinds of things.

    Keep yourself and your family protected, contact roofing tiles system specialist, BITC Roof Tiles for a professional and thorough roof inspection!

    Send us your complete roof plan at [email protected] if you want a roofing quotation for your next project. You can reach us through our websiteFacebook, or by calling us via:

    Telephone Numbers:

    (02) 8856 4655
    (02) 8397 9784

    Cellphone Number:

    (+639) 17-894-5067
    (+639) 33-811-3715