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How to Snag an Affordable Roofing Contractor in the Philippines

    How to Snag an Affordable Roofing Contractor in the Philippines

    Looking for Capable and Competitive Roof Tiles Distributor in the Philippines? BITC it is!

    Tight on a budget? No problem! Installation prices don’t have to be through the roof. (See what we did there?) So whether you’re looking for a roofing company or a roof tiles distributor in the Philippines— there’s always the more affordable option.

    Legitimate doesn’t always mean expensive. You don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands on a reliable roof. There are a lot of competitively-priced roof contractors if you know where to look. 

    You can find reasonably-priced services in the Philippines without becoming the next victim of overcharging.

    We’ll give you some tips on how you can hire the economical (not ‘cheap’) way!

    1. Go Local

    Look for roof tile distributors in the Philippines that are near your area. Why? Because besides the hassle of long-distance and additional fees— you can personally interview the roofing company yourself. You can inquire to your heart’s desire— directly, might we add. This step can weed out the cheap scams out of the bunch. Plus, you’ll probably get to see their work firsthand if they worked on projects near your property.

    Go Local

    2. Know the Difference

    Affordable and cheap are two very different things. As the saying goes, “If it’s too good to be true, then it probably isn’t.” And that, dear readers, is a real thing, especially in the roofing industry. There are expensive, moderately-priced roofing contractors, and lastly, the bargain steals. You want the middle ground. Because the truth is, roofing installations cost a lot— especially if we’re utilizing expensive roofing materials. The bulk of what you’re paying goes into the roofer’s labor and expertise— but the overall price should be nothing too crazy.

    Know the Difference

    3. Look for Reviews

    The best way you can find legitimate contractors is by taking previous clientele testimonies into account. You can get this through word of mouth (ask your friends or family to recommend their roofer) or by checking online reviews on their websites.

    Look for Reviews

    If you’re looking for trusted and reliable roof tiles distributor to provide you high-quality and budget-friendly roof tiles— we, BITC Roof Tiles, ready for duty

    Send us your complete roof plan at [email protected] if you want a roofing quotation for your next project. You can reach us through our websiteFacebook, or by calling us via:

    Telephone Numbers:

    (02) 8856 4655
    (02) 8397 9784

    Cellphone Number:

    (+639) 178945067