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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Clay Rooftile Contractor in Manila

    3 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Clay Rooftile Contractor in Manila

    Be Wise in Choosing Clay Rooftile Contractor in Manila, Philippines

    Roofs are an essential part of any kind of establishment, playing a vital role both in protecting your interiors from harsh outdoor elements, and letting your exterior display the overall aesthetics that you want. Needless to say, maintaining it and not letting any damage go unnoticed for long can save you from a lot of trouble. And it goes for clay rooftiles, too! As much as they are a sturdy and pleasant-looking bunch, cracks, dents, holes, and weathering are things that one should still keep a lookout for. 

    Don’t worry though – it’s nothing that a good ol’ clay rooftile contractor in Manila couldn’t handle!

    Whether you need a simple roof repair or an entire installation project, calling professionals will make the work quicker and provide greater quality than ordinary roofers.

    The more important matter at hand is making sure that you DON’T do the hiring hastily, or you’ll end up with regrets later on. How are you supposed to do that?

    Here are 3 mistakes that you should try to avoid when hiring a clay rooftile contractor in Manila.

    1. Failing to get a quote and consultation

    Not having a concrete plan laid out and going headfirst into the job is never a good choice. For instance, not knowing what needs to be renovated and how much the total cost is estimated may land you with dishonest roofers that can exploit your bills and make use of low-quality roofing materials. 

    clay rooftile consultation

    Us at BITC Roof Tiles provide free quotes when you call our number, giving out transparent and accurate estimates to set our client’s expectations. Plus, we’re more than willing to give your roofs a once over if you’d ever need advice to assess what exactly is needed to be done. That way, everything – the detailed estimate, signed contracts, and all discussions – are all set before making your decisions.

    2. Settling for less and cheaper quotes

    Admit it, looking at less numbers on the price tag really lures you in, but let us tell you that that is one of the top slipups when hiring a clay rooftile contractor. Sure, it’s important to keep it in line with your budget and a good deal is surely there somewhere, but too much focus on the numbers may compromise the quality in return. You obviously do not want to end up with an inexperienced contractor and half-baked clay tiles. 

    cheaper quotes

    Good thing we offer a variety of qualities products and services that accommodate all roofs of any shape and size, and we are flexible with our rates and show you comparisons for different quotations, materials, and your budget. For more information and direct quotes, you can visit

    3. Not choosing a reliable rooftile contractor

    What more to look into other than the people who you’ll be hiring? You definitely want to make sure that the number you’ll be calling are, indeed, skilled and experienced professionals. Clay rooftiles installation and repair is no easy job after all, and you may want to go all in with the best contractors and quality materials you can get if you want the roof to last long and be exactly as you want it.

    clay rooftile contractor

    You should be looking for a company that is licensed, showing their qualifications and training as proof that your roof is in safe hands, along with insurance that covers general liability when something happens.

    Good thing that if you’re somewhere in Manila, you can rely on BITC Roof Tiles to have it all – assurance, experience, and the quality. After all, we aren’t called the #1 locally hired clay rooftile contractor for nothing.